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Item List


The club chairperson is the principal officer for the club and is elected by the club members.

Club Secretary

The Club Secretary is key to the smooth running of the club. They provide a main point of contact for administration, information and communication.

Membership Secretary

The Club Membership Secretary is the key link between the Club and the Swim England membership team. They look after the day to day registration of all club members with Swim England.

Swim Mark Coordinator

The SwimMark Coordinator is the key point of contact for SwimMark, Swim England’s recognised kite-mark for the development of effective, ethical and sustainable clubs.
The opportunity to gain SwimMark is available to all affiliated clubs, regardless of size and disciplines covered. Within SwimMark there are three modules that clubs can aspire to i.e. SwimMark Essential Club (baseline module), SwimMark Network and SwimMark Performance.


The Treasurer of the club is responsible for producing and managing the club’s accounts and finances and will oversee all income and expenditure for the club

Volunteer Coordinator

A Volunteer Coordinator is responsible for supporting all volunteers within a club, and most importantly, ensuring they have a meaningful and positive experience.

Welfare Officer

This role is essential in providing a first point of contact for children, parents and adults within the club who have a child safeguarding or welfare concern.

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